Moriah Woods: W puszczy / Dla puszczy from Karolina Karwan on Vimeo.

We did new MUSIC VIDEO involved in Białowieża Forest rescue! 
Moriah Woods playing on her banjo IN and FOR one of the oldest FOREST in Europe. This forest is currently being devastated in allowance of the Polish Ministry of Environment. We believe this acoustic music video with beautiful voice and banjo sounds mixed with ambient of the forest is a beautiful way to raise AWARENESS and to show how important nature is! 
Projekt zaangażowany w ratowanie Puszczy Białowieskiej: Muzycy grający W Puszczy / Dla Puszczy! Oto pierwszy klip z Moriah Woods, akustycznie z ambientem leśnym. Puszczamy w świat! <3 span="">
Thanks to the team 

Director and DOP Karolina Karwan, Tomek Ratter
Production Michał Ścibior
Postproduction Turbodizel


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